Membership Introduction
佛州中文教師協會是一個佛州立案的非營利協會。每年收取會費美金25元。佛州中文教師協會每年舉辦佛州中文競賽 ,並且協助FFLA舉辦佛州外語教師研習會。老師們一起在中文教學上努力,如果您有興趣與我們一起學習、分享及成長,歡迎您加入協會。
佛州中文教师协会是一个佛州立案的非营利协会。每年收取会费美金25元。佛州中文教师协会每年举办佛州中文竞赛 ,并且协助FFLA举办佛州外语教师研习会。老师们一起在中文教学上努力,如果您有兴趣与我们一起学习、分享及成长,欢迎您加入协会。
The Florida Chinese Teachers Association (FCTA) is a nonpolitical, nonprofit educational and professional organization. FCTA organizes an annual Florida Statewide Chinese Competition for middle and high school Chinese learners. FCTA is also an affiliate of the Florida Foreign Language Teachers Association (FFLA). Its annual state conference is held every October in conjunction of FFLA. The mission of FCTA is to promote the study, teaching, and research of the Chinese language and culture on all educational levels; to provide a platform for Chinese instructors to share and exchange teaching experience, ideas and information; to serve as a source for professional development and lifelong teaching; to enhance the quality of Chinese language teaching at all levels; to provide a network of support service to Chinese language teachers and Chinese language learners.
Membership is open to educators and students of all levels.
FCTA membership period runs from November 1st till October 31st of the following year.
Please file out the membership application form online and mail it with your membership fee to the address indicated on the form. We will e-mail you an electronic receipt within 10 school days upon receiving.
Member benefits include:
-> Networking with other Chinese teachers in the state of Florida,
-> Receive e-mail regarding professional development opportunities as well as job or scholarship information,
-> Use FCTA resources and join FCTA committees,
-> Eligible to vote and be nominated for the FCTA election,
-> Attend and/ or present at FCTA sponsored conferences and workshops,
-> Discounts on selected FCTA sponsored events.
-> Register your students to participate in Florida Statewide Chinese Competition and other FCTA sponsored activities,
-> Nominate your colleagues, students, and yourself for awards.
佛州中文教師協會是一個佛州立案的非營利協會。每年收取會費美金25元。佛州中文教師協會每年舉辦佛州中文競賽 ,並且協助FFLA舉辦佛州外語教師研習會。老師們一起在中文教學上努力,如果您有興趣與我們一起學習、分享及成長,歡迎您加入協會。
佛州中文教师协会是一个佛州立案的非营利协会。每年收取会费美金25元。佛州中文教师协会每年举办佛州中文竞赛 ,并且协助FFLA举办佛州外语教师研习会。老师们一起在中文教学上努力,如果您有兴趣与我们一起学习、分享及成长,欢迎您加入协会。
The Florida Chinese Teachers Association (FCTA) is a nonpolitical, nonprofit educational and professional organization. FCTA organizes an annual Florida Statewide Chinese Competition for middle and high school Chinese learners. FCTA is also an affiliate of the Florida Foreign Language Teachers Association (FFLA). Its annual state conference is held every October in conjunction of FFLA. The mission of FCTA is to promote the study, teaching, and research of the Chinese language and culture on all educational levels; to provide a platform for Chinese instructors to share and exchange teaching experience, ideas and information; to serve as a source for professional development and lifelong teaching; to enhance the quality of Chinese language teaching at all levels; to provide a network of support service to Chinese language teachers and Chinese language learners.
Membership is open to educators and students of all levels.
FCTA membership period runs from November 1st till October 31st of the following year.
Please file out the membership application form online and mail it with your membership fee to the address indicated on the form. We will e-mail you an electronic receipt within 10 school days upon receiving.
Member benefits include:
-> Networking with other Chinese teachers in the state of Florida,
-> Receive e-mail regarding professional development opportunities as well as job or scholarship information,
-> Use FCTA resources and join FCTA committees,
-> Eligible to vote and be nominated for the FCTA election,
-> Attend and/ or present at FCTA sponsored conferences and workshops,
-> Discounts on selected FCTA sponsored events.
-> Register your students to participate in Florida Statewide Chinese Competition and other FCTA sponsored activities,
-> Nominate your colleagues, students, and yourself for awards.
2024-2025 FCTA Membership Application Form and Fee
Step 1 : Pay membership fee $25
$25 Membership Fee Payment Methods : 1. Mail Check to: Florida Chinese Teachers Association PO Box 565204 Miami, FL 33256 or 2. Make payments to FCTA Zelle Account : [email protected] |
Step 2: Complete and submit your
2024-2025 FCTA Membership Application form Online! |