2021 年第二期Zoom线上教学研讨会 (2021.03.06 7-9 pm)
FCTA 2021 New Year Workshop (2021.01.09 7:00-9:00 pm)
Starting in December 2020 or January 2021, we'll open a round of virtual workshops or swap shops of our own FCTA teachers to share their teaching strategies or class activities so we can learn from each other. We welcome everyone to be part of the workshop series and encourage you to lead a swap shop even it's only a few minutes to share what you believe works in the classrooms. Please click here if you are interested to lead a swap shop this school year.
2018 FFLA-FCTA Invited Speaker 张华老师专题演讲

We are excited to have Ms. Hua Zhang present at the FFLA conference in Orlando and share some insights about her teaching Chinese language and culture experience with us. Welcome all the Chinese teachers to attend his presentations on October 20th, Saturday.
Speaker: Ms. Hua Zhang, as the chair of the Chinese Language Department of Saint Andrew's School.
Topic: Tricks to Empower and Engage Chinese Students
In this thought provoking session, 10 powerful instructional designs will be shared to engage, challenge, and assess Chinese language learners. Participants will walk away with easily adapted tools and strategies for their own classes.
Time: Oct. 20th, Saturday Morning 2018
Location: FFLA conference in Orlando, Wyndham Orlando Resort, 8001 International Dr, Orlando, FL 32819
This presentation is sponsored by the University of South Florida Confucius Institute
(USF-CI). Thank you USF-CI!
Topic: Tricks to Empower and Engage Chinese Students
In this thought provoking session, 10 powerful instructional designs will be shared to engage, challenge, and assess Chinese language learners. Participants will walk away with easily adapted tools and strategies for their own classes.
Time: Oct. 20th, Saturday Morning 2018
Location: FFLA conference in Orlando, Wyndham Orlando Resort, 8001 International Dr, Orlando, FL 32819
This presentation is sponsored by the University of South Florida Confucius Institute
(USF-CI). Thank you USF-CI!
2017 FFLA -FCTA Invited Speaker 刘志刚老师专题演讲

We are delighted to have Mr. Zhigang Liu come to the FFLA conference in St. Pete and share some insights about his teaching Chinese language and culture experience with us. Welcome all the Chinese teachers to attend his presentations on October 14th, Saturday.
Speaker: Mr. Liu currently teaches at the Confusions institute at the Auburn University at Montgomery. He has several fascinating publications about reflections on teaching Chinese and influential invited presentations among universities in mainland China.
Topic: Use Video Resources to Teach Chinese
Time: Oct 14th Saturday Morning, 2017
Location: Florida Foreign Language Association (FFLA) Conference in St. Pete
(Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront 333 1st St S, Saint Petersburg, Florida, 33701-4342)
This presentation is sponsored by the University of South Florida Confucius Institute (USF-CI). Thank you USF-CI!
Speaker: Mr. Liu currently teaches at the Confusions institute at the Auburn University at Montgomery. He has several fascinating publications about reflections on teaching Chinese and influential invited presentations among universities in mainland China.
Topic: Use Video Resources to Teach Chinese
Time: Oct 14th Saturday Morning, 2017
Location: Florida Foreign Language Association (FFLA) Conference in St. Pete
(Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront 333 1st St S, Saint Petersburg, Florida, 33701-4342)
This presentation is sponsored by the University of South Florida Confucius Institute (USF-CI). Thank you USF-CI!
2018 FSCC
The 13th FSCC will be held at Belen Jesuit Preparatory School in Miami (500 SW 127th Ave, Miami, FL 33184) on Feb. 23rd and 24th. 2018.
More info will be released in the beginning of the coming school year.
The 13th FSCC will be held at Belen Jesuit Preparatory School in Miami (500 SW 127th Ave, Miami, FL 33184) on Feb. 23rd and 24th. 2018.
More info will be released in the beginning of the coming school year.
FFLA-FCTA Teacher of the Year Nomination STARTS!
请大家踊跃帮忙提名 2016-2017 FCTA-FFLA的年度最佳教师奖,此奖项将在十月 St. Pete的年度FFLA 会议上颁发,每一种语言都会选出一位代表的得奖老师,是件非常荣耀的事情!
请老师们想想,是否有哪一位老师教学认真、充滿熱情,走出自己的教室 ,无私的分享备课材料或宝贵的教学经验而且积极推动参与中文教学的社区服务或活动? 这奖项的目的之一是希望默默耕耘的中文老师们能被肯定、被鼓舞,并感谢老师们辛勤的付出。
1. 资格:被提名人必须是 FCTA 与 FFLA 的会员,並计划出席 FFLA 十月在St Pete的会议(https://ffla.wildapricot.org/)。
2. 提名:网络提名单请在 6月2号 (星期五) 截止前提交至https://goo.gl/forms/z0bLTYBV3vX2tzYh1
3. 投票:我們將開放讓所有 FCTA 会员投票,一起選出 Teacher of the Year,请老师们尽量仔细填写您的提名内容。投票的网址,我們會在提名截止后公布。
年末又到了表扬优秀教师的时候,非常感谢USF 孔子学院今年继续资助我们一笔经费,让我们可以奖励两位辛苦奉献的老师,我们会在2017年二月份的中文竞赛会上宣布并颁发这两个奖项,欢迎各位老师积极申请, 推荐,表扬老师对佛州汉语教育的努力和贡献!
上网填写推荐表格 https://goo.gl/forms/sR6NxLwEb9qULgv03
收件截止时间:二零一七年一月六日 (星期五) 晚上十一点五十九分
奖励名额: 两名
奖项內容: 得奖教师各获得奖杯一座及两百五十美元奖金
谢谢University of South Florida - Confucius Institute 孔院的赞助!!
年末又到了表扬优秀教师的时候,非常感谢USF 孔子学院今年继续资助我们一笔经费,让我们可以奖励两位辛苦奉献的老师,我们会在2017年二月份的中文竞赛会上宣布并颁发这两个奖项,欢迎各位老师积极申请, 推荐,表扬老师对佛州汉语教育的努力和贡献!
- 必须是佛州中文教师协会(FCTA) 2015-2017会员(去年及今年都为会员)
- 从事正职/专职汉语教育工作两年以上
- 必须是目前在佛州任教的汉语教师
- 必须报名并出席第十二届中文竞赛(带队,或协助均可)
- 近三年(2013 -2015) 未得过此奖项 (请参考底下历届得奖老师名单)
上网填写推荐表格 https://goo.gl/forms/sR6NxLwEb9qULgv03
收件截止时间:二零一七年一月六日 (星期五) 晚上十一点五十九分
- 佛州中文教师协会董事会成员及孔子学院代表共同审核并投票选出两名教师
(董事会成员若递送申请或被提名则不参予审核及投票过程) - 得票数相同时,以FCTA会员年资加上参与中文竞赛年资,两项总和来决定。
奖励名额: 两名
奖项內容: 得奖教师各获得奖杯一座及两百五十美元奖金
- 保惠红老师(Saint Edward's School)
- 傅義華老師 (Spanish River High School)
- 林青蓉老師 (Oak Hall School)
- 李丽华老师 (Berkeley Preparatory School),
- 李莉老师 (Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart)
谢谢University of South Florida - Confucius Institute 孔院的赞助!!
2016 Florida Statewide Chinese Competition
The 11th Annual Florida State Chinese Competition at Gulliver Preparatory School in Miami (6575 N Kendall Dr, Miami, FL 33156)
1. Competition date: February 26-27, 2016. Please save the dates NOW.
2. Student Registration is due on December 15th, 2015. Forms and Documents are available at our Event Website http://go2fscc.weebly.com/
3. FCTA membership is required for ALL teachers who take their students to participate at the competition.
4. Volunteers will be needed. If you are interested in helping this event, please email to our Event Coordinator Ms. Zoe Chen at [email protected] or FCTA President at [email protected] NOW!
5. Please visit http://go2fscc.weebly.com/ for more details. If you have questions, please contact the Event Coordinator Ms. Zoe Chen at [email protected] or FCTA President at [email protected]
The 11th Annual Florida State Chinese Competition at Gulliver Preparatory School in Miami (6575 N Kendall Dr, Miami, FL 33156)
1. Competition date: February 26-27, 2016. Please save the dates NOW.
2. Student Registration is due on December 15th, 2015. Forms and Documents are available at our Event Website http://go2fscc.weebly.com/
3. FCTA membership is required for ALL teachers who take their students to participate at the competition.
4. Volunteers will be needed. If you are interested in helping this event, please email to our Event Coordinator Ms. Zoe Chen at [email protected] or FCTA President at [email protected] NOW!
5. Please visit http://go2fscc.weebly.com/ for more details. If you have questions, please contact the Event Coordinator Ms. Zoe Chen at [email protected] or FCTA President at [email protected]

FCTA Invited Talk at 2015 FFLA Conference -
Dr. Eric Shepherd (謝博德教授) from University of South Florida
我们今年特别邀请了 University of South Florida 的谢博德老师与我们分享他的教学经验。谢老师对中国文化兴趣浓厚,还特地到中国学习了山东快书,对于中文教學的推廣不遗餘力。谢老师每年暑假在 USF 提供星谈 (StarTalk)的课程给中小学老师进修,对于中文教学在美国市场有很深刻地认知,他个人教学风趣又实用,相信老师们能从谢老师身上学习到不少宝贵的经验。
Topic:Preparing American Students to Learn Chinese
Time: There will be two sessions on Oct 16th (Friday) 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm & 5:00 pm -6:00 pm
Location: Wentworth Room at the Renaissance Resort Hotel, St. Augustine
This invited talk is sponsored by FCTA & USF-Confucius Institute
此专题演讲由 FCTA 及Confucious Institute at the University of South Florida 共同赞助
Dr. Eric Shepherd (謝博德教授) from University of South Florida
我们今年特别邀请了 University of South Florida 的谢博德老师与我们分享他的教学经验。谢老师对中国文化兴趣浓厚,还特地到中国学习了山东快书,对于中文教學的推廣不遗餘力。谢老师每年暑假在 USF 提供星谈 (StarTalk)的课程给中小学老师进修,对于中文教学在美国市场有很深刻地认知,他个人教学风趣又实用,相信老师们能从谢老师身上学习到不少宝贵的经验。
Topic:Preparing American Students to Learn Chinese
Time: There will be two sessions on Oct 16th (Friday) 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm & 5:00 pm -6:00 pm
Location: Wentworth Room at the Renaissance Resort Hotel, St. Augustine
This invited talk is sponsored by FCTA & USF-Confucius Institute
此专题演讲由 FCTA 及Confucious Institute at the University of South Florida 共同赞助
FCTA Travel Scholarship Application for 2015 FFLA Conference
這筆獎學金是來自我們FCTA第一屆教師研討會的演講者 Ms. Gudrun Martyny,她為了鼓勵我們的會員參加佛州的外語研討會FFLA Conference,非常熱心地捐出了今年的演講費用,作為今年FCTA會員參加 FFLA 研討會的獎學金,在此我們萬分地感謝 Ms. Gudrun Martyny 對 FCTA的支持與推動外語教學的無私。
獎學金將資助兩位FCTA會員支付他們的 early registration fee (各 $90元, 支票將於十月份FFLA研習會期間的FCTA會員大會中頒發),一位頒給首次參加 FFLA的老師,一位頒給演講稿被FFLA接受的老師, 而FFLA 演講投稿截止日為2015年4月1日 (星期三),相關信息請到FFLA官網 http://goo.gl/kaJn5w ,希望老師們踴躍投稿,別錯過既能拿獎學金又能分享自己教學的好機會!
申請的老師必須在 2015 年9月15日 上網到網址http://goo.gl/ejv6lf完成申請,申請「FFLA會議演講者」獎項的申請者,還需把申請資料寄給 [email protected] ,由董事會會員當評審投票決定獎項的分配。如果董事會員要申請任何一獎項,將自動放棄投票權。如果董事會評審投票人數不滿五人,我們將從上任董事人選中隨機抽出評審遞補到五人。
一、申請「首次參加 FFLA 的老師」獎項的申請者,必須寫一篇中文或英文的短文 (essay; 200-300 字) 說明參加 FFLA 會議對您、對您的學生或者對您的學校有何助益,此essay 請在網上http://goo.gl/ejv6lf繳交。
除了 Proposal 可在網上http://goo.gl/ejv6lf繳交,其他 Acceptace Letter and PowerPoint 請電郵給 [email protected]
這筆獎學金是來自我們FCTA第一屆教師研討會的演講者 Ms. Gudrun Martyny,她為了鼓勵我們的會員參加佛州的外語研討會FFLA Conference,非常熱心地捐出了今年的演講費用,作為今年FCTA會員參加 FFLA 研討會的獎學金,在此我們萬分地感謝 Ms. Gudrun Martyny 對 FCTA的支持與推動外語教學的無私。
獎學金將資助兩位FCTA會員支付他們的 early registration fee (各 $90元, 支票將於十月份FFLA研習會期間的FCTA會員大會中頒發),一位頒給首次參加 FFLA的老師,一位頒給演講稿被FFLA接受的老師, 而FFLA 演講投稿截止日為2015年4月1日 (星期三),相關信息請到FFLA官網 http://goo.gl/kaJn5w ,希望老師們踴躍投稿,別錯過既能拿獎學金又能分享自己教學的好機會!
申請的老師必須在 2015 年9月15日 上網到網址http://goo.gl/ejv6lf完成申請,申請「FFLA會議演講者」獎項的申請者,還需把申請資料寄給 [email protected] ,由董事會會員當評審投票決定獎項的分配。如果董事會員要申請任何一獎項,將自動放棄投票權。如果董事會評審投票人數不滿五人,我們將從上任董事人選中隨機抽出評審遞補到五人。
一、申請「首次參加 FFLA 的老師」獎項的申請者,必須寫一篇中文或英文的短文 (essay; 200-300 字) 說明參加 FFLA 會議對您、對您的學生或者對您的學校有何助益,此essay 請在網上http://goo.gl/ejv6lf繳交。
- Proposal Acceptance Letter (Email) from FFLA (請直接向FFLA投稿, 4/1 截止)
- Proposal you submitted to FFLA and your presentation PowerPoint
除了 Proposal 可在網上http://goo.gl/ejv6lf繳交,其他 Acceptace Letter and PowerPoint 請電郵給 [email protected]
FCTA 1st Annual Conference - The Culture of Teaching in America
Time: March 13th (Friday) 3: 00 pm to 14th (Saturday) at 1:00 pm, 2015
Location: Drury Inn & Suite in Orlando (7301 West Sand Lake Road - Orlando, FL, 32819)
This is a chance for us to get to know each other, share ideas, and learn about ways to become a better teacher in a foreign culture. FCTA would like to thank all the teachers for their dedications by inviting all members to come to beautiful Orlando and join us for this conference. The conference will start from March 13th 3:00 pm and end at 1:00 pm on March 14th. If you have any questions, please email to [email protected]
At the conference, there will be:
FCTA will provide the following benefits to our members:
**Due to the expenses FCTA will pay for each member, during registration, please send a check for $100 made out to FCTA. At the end of the conference, we will give you the check back. However, if, for any reason, you do not attend the meeting and/or leave early, we will deposit the $100 to help pay for the expenses.
FCTA members can choose to have a room to themselves, if they are willing to pay for half of the room fee. We have a special rate with the hotel, so if you want to take the opportunity and bring your family to enjoy Orlando attractions, the special discounted rate is available 3 days before the event and 3 days after.
If you are already a member, please register at the following site:
If you are NOT a member, please click the link and register first, then register for the conference:
Time: March 13th (Friday) 3: 00 pm to 14th (Saturday) at 1:00 pm, 2015
Location: Drury Inn & Suite in Orlando (7301 West Sand Lake Road - Orlando, FL, 32819)
This is a chance for us to get to know each other, share ideas, and learn about ways to become a better teacher in a foreign culture. FCTA would like to thank all the teachers for their dedications by inviting all members to come to beautiful Orlando and join us for this conference. The conference will start from March 13th 3:00 pm and end at 1:00 pm on March 14th. If you have any questions, please email to [email protected]
At the conference, there will be:
- Sessions to discuss Florida State Chinese Competition
- Guest Speaker Ms. Gudrun Martyny to talk about the teaching culture in America (Click here for Ms. Martyny's full bio)
- Experts to speak on taking students overseas
- Sessions for teachers exchange ideas
- Professional Development credits with certificate
FCTA will provide the following benefits to our members:
- One night with a roommate free at Drury Hotel in Orlando
- Friday night dinner with FCTA teachers
- Saturday hot breakfast at the hotel
- Saturday lunch provided by the sponsor
**Due to the expenses FCTA will pay for each member, during registration, please send a check for $100 made out to FCTA. At the end of the conference, we will give you the check back. However, if, for any reason, you do not attend the meeting and/or leave early, we will deposit the $100 to help pay for the expenses.
FCTA members can choose to have a room to themselves, if they are willing to pay for half of the room fee. We have a special rate with the hotel, so if you want to take the opportunity and bring your family to enjoy Orlando attractions, the special discounted rate is available 3 days before the event and 3 days after.
If you are already a member, please register at the following site:
If you are NOT a member, please click the link and register first, then register for the conference:

2015 Florida Statewide Chinese Competition
1. Competition date: February 20-21, 2015. Student Registration is closed.
2. FCTA membership is required for ALL teachers at the school to take their students to participate at the competition.
3. Volunteers will be needed. If you are interested in helping this event, please email to [email protected] before February 13th, 2015.
See Event Website for details.
2014 FCTA Teacher Awards (Nomination expired!)
欢迎各位老师积极申请, 推荐,表扬老师对佛州汉语教育的努力和贡献,这两个奖项会于今年二月份的中文竞赛会上宣布并颁发,截止日期为 January 26th 11:59pm, 2015。在此特别感谢 University of South Florida - Confucius Institute 赞助此奖项!
1. 必须是佛州中文教师协会(FCTA) 2013-2015会员(去年及今年都为会员)
2. 从事正职/专职汉语教育工作两年以上
3. 必须是目前在佛州任教的汉语教师
4. 必须报名并出席第十届中文竞赛(带队,或协助均可)
上网填写推荐表格 http://goo.gl/xtNLft
收件截止时间为二零一五年一月二十六日 (星期一) 晚上十一点五十九分
1. 佛州中文教师协会董事会成员及孔子学院代表共同审核并投票选出两名教师 (董事会成员若递送申请或被提名则不参予审核及投票过程)
2. 得票数相同时,以FCTA会员年资及参与中文竞赛年资决定。
得奖教师各获得奖杯一座及一百五十美元奖金 Sponsored by University of South Florida - Confucius Institute (USF -CI)
李丽华老师 (Berkeley Preparatory School),
李莉老师 (Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart)
成美老师 (The Bolles School),
王淑凤老师 (Pine View School)
1. Competition date: February 20-21, 2015. Student Registration is closed.
2. FCTA membership is required for ALL teachers at the school to take their students to participate at the competition.
3. Volunteers will be needed. If you are interested in helping this event, please email to [email protected] before February 13th, 2015.
See Event Website for details.
2014 FCTA Teacher Awards (Nomination expired!)
欢迎各位老师积极申请, 推荐,表扬老师对佛州汉语教育的努力和贡献,这两个奖项会于今年二月份的中文竞赛会上宣布并颁发,截止日期为 January 26th 11:59pm, 2015。在此特别感谢 University of South Florida - Confucius Institute 赞助此奖项!
1. 必须是佛州中文教师协会(FCTA) 2013-2015会员(去年及今年都为会员)
2. 从事正职/专职汉语教育工作两年以上
3. 必须是目前在佛州任教的汉语教师
4. 必须报名并出席第十届中文竞赛(带队,或协助均可)
上网填写推荐表格 http://goo.gl/xtNLft
收件截止时间为二零一五年一月二十六日 (星期一) 晚上十一点五十九分
1. 佛州中文教师协会董事会成员及孔子学院代表共同审核并投票选出两名教师 (董事会成员若递送申请或被提名则不参予审核及投票过程)
2. 得票数相同时,以FCTA会员年资及参与中文竞赛年资决定。
得奖教师各获得奖杯一座及一百五十美元奖金 Sponsored by University of South Florida - Confucius Institute (USF -CI)
李丽华老师 (Berkeley Preparatory School),
李莉老师 (Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart)
成美老师 (The Bolles School),
王淑凤老师 (Pine View School)